What’s in my yoga prop closet?

I highly recommend building your at-home yoga prop collection. They aren't always cheap, but if you buy quality ones they will last a lifetime. Below is a list of the props I have in my closet, but not all are necessary. I recommend starting with 2 yoga blocks and a strap, next would be 2-3 blankets and a flat bolster; you can build from there if you choose. Many can be supplemented with common household items, so feel free to let me know where your gaps are and I can offer suggestions.

SMALL Therapy Ball Set:

(Good for targeting muscles- think of when a massage therapist uses their knuckles.)


Cork Blocks (Get 2):


Jade Harmony Yoga Mat:


Flat Bolster:


Dharma Yoga Wheel:

LARGE Therapy Ball Set:

(Good for larger muscles - think of when a massage therapist uses their elbow.)


Yoga Blankets (Get 4):


Eye Pillow:


Round Bolster:


Zafu (for seated meditation):

8 Foot Strap w/ D-Ring:


Sand Bag (Sand-filled, 10 lbs.):


Neck Hammock:


Mini Bolster:

