Are you letting life happen to you?

When we let life happen to us we live in constant state of reacting to what’s in front of us without any personal sense of control. We tend to blame others for the position we find ourselves in, depend on them to validate us, and spend a lot of time trying to please them. Often times we counter this by being overly controlling which can leave us feeling even more trapped and reactive.

When we live an embodied life we are intentional about what we want, take purposeful action, and understand that our thoughts and behaviors influence our experience. We view life as a playground of opportunity and enjoy the freedom and empowerment that having choices brings us.

When we let life happen to us, we’re governed by limiting storylines and tend to numb ourselves to our experience. To move out of this state of being we must cast a light upon our hidden mindsets so we can free ourselves from them.

Even when we learn to be more intentional it can be easy to slip back into old patterns and having a toolbox full of practices and a safe community to support us is vital to maintaining our focus.

With Liminal Space is a structure of support for your evolution into living embodied. If you are looking at the year ahead and have a desire to move through it with more intention and support, I invite you to reach out to me so I can share what’s in our toolbox to help you learn to truly own your life.

Catherine la O' with Liminal Space

Liminal Space is a membership-based community committed to personal growth through the practices of yoga and inner-shadow exploration.

Embody your life in 2023


Do you judge yourself for being lazy?