Liminal Space, with intention.

The Liminal Space membership community turns one year old today! I am so grateful for those of you who ventured out of your comfort zones and into the bewildering tech-world with me. I am honored by the faith and energy you’ve put into this shared adventure.

For many years, I’ve had a vision for a playful, exploratory, and supportive community of seekers and that is just what we are building together.

I’m intentional about the way I construct this virtual community: I open my classrooms 10 minutes early so that you can get to know each other, I have an open-door policy and encourage members to schedule Zoom check-ins with me so I can stay up to date on what’s happening in your life, I recently added a community page to Liminal Space where members can interact outside of class virtually, and I offer occasional in-person gatherings so we can meet, practice, and engage live together.

Our truest desire as humans is to feel connected to others. If I asked you what your heart yearns for most right now, I bet—at its core—your answer would have something to do with interpersonal connection. So, what gets in the way?

Our desire to be accepted is so strong that we withhold parts of ourselves for fear of judgment or abandonment. These withheld parts are called Shadows. There are mental Shadows which relate to our identity; these have us thinking that if anyone knew (fill in the blank) about us they would not accept us. (This is the level mainly addressed in my Shadow Alchemy program.) There are also body Shadows; these are feelings we haven’t processed or maybe aren’t aware of, but they live in our bodies. Our Shadows isolate us from each other. How can we experience the intimacy we crave when we are withholding ourselves from being known?

Yoga is about integration. It, in the most loving way, re-introduces us to physical sensation and exposes what our bodies store for us. It invites us to pay attention and enter into a sense of personal authenticity. It reminds us that at no time has our lovability or belongingness been in question. is an online community of people who understand this. It is a place where people gather to support each other through practices that help with personal and inter-personal integration. Liminal Space welcomes everyone regardless of background or identity.

Thank you so much for being here with me.

Catherine la O' with Liminal Space

Liminal Space is a membership-based community committed to personal growth through the practices of yoga and inner-shadow exploration.

Do you regret how you acted?


Are you using gratitude against you?