Here’s the thing about Bullies…

Here’s the thing about BULLIES: most bullies are very SENSITIVE people who don’t know how to deal with their sensitivity because at one time they were taught that it was not acceptable to be SENSITIVE* and being a BULLY* allows them to feel powerful instead of weak, which is how they perceive their sensitive side.

This means that bullies are created on a false foundation which is why when you stand up to a BULLY they tend to crumble. Bullies target SENSITIVE people for two reasons:

1. They hate that part of themselves and need to direct that distain toward someone other than themselves and
2. SENSITIVE people don’t tend to pushback when bullied so the BULLY gets away with it.

When you learn about the Shadow and how it plays out in your life, you get better at seeing how it plays out in other people’s lives, which makes you less susceptible to being the target of their unprocessed Shadows and more compassionate about what could be driving that behavior in them.

Exploring inner-Shadow means learning to embrace your humanness, which is complex and multi-dimensional. Through it, you come to understand that love is not contingent on being a particular version of yourself and you are able to celebrate the different layers of who you are. Scroll below for program details.

Catherine la O' with Liminal Space

Liminal Space is a membership-based community committed to personal growth through the practices of yoga and inner-shadow exploration.

The space between “supposed to” and what’s true.


Are you tired of trying to prove yourself?